La Madeleine closed its doors this week. After seven years of holding the Entrepreneurs, Founders and CEOs Roundtable there, we have to find a new spot. For this month, FastTrac graduate Ken Blue has offered us the private room at Oscar Taylor Restaurant on the southwest corner of 24th Street and Camelback. But we probably don't want to meet there permanently, because Ken is starting a Monday night JazzJam in the main dining room.
So now we have the opportunity to ask: what do we want the Stealthmode dinners to be, and WHERE do we want them to be?
Take a minute and answer the following three questions:
1) Do you know a place that offers a free private room for about 35-50 people?
2) Where is your home or office?
3) Should we change the format as we change the venue? Speakers? A charge for a sit down dinner? More structured networking?
See you on Monday night, March 12th, 6:30 PM at Oscar Taylor's to discuss these questions and others.